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SWE offers a comprehensive service at highly competitive rates. I can deliver ecological assistance throughout the UK and work extensively across core areas of the South-west including: Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire. SWE provides ecology assistance for all major sectors including:


Residential and Commercial Development

Public Sector

Minerals and Waste

Highways and Transport

Onshore Renewables

Health and Education

Government and Local Authority

Water and Utilities

Historic Buildings and Landscapes


A wealth of experience means that the service you get is tailor made to work within your sector and project. All projects are underpinned by working under the auspices of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). All work is undertaken by a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) under the guidance of the British Standard 42020:2013 Biodiversity - Code of practice for planning and development, and that of the Government departments such as Natural England (see the Government Wildlife and Conservation website for current details regarding ecology survey effort and timings:





By understanding your goals SWE can provide a comprehensive service of ecological survey, assessment and mitigation advice. Please find below the ecological services that I'm able to offer.

Ecological Consultancy Services
Baseline Survey (Phase 1)

Baseline survey consists of desk based study of available biodiversity records and an 'extended' Phase 1 Habitat Survey. Such survey is the starting point for most Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) and Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs). It is used to inform the need for additional ecological surveys such as those listed below.

SWE provides a suite of protected, rare and notable species  surveys including bats, dormouse, badger, otter, water vole, barn owl, reptiles, great crested newt (including eDNA), as well as bespoke surveys for species such as invertebrates and coastal fauna.

Protected Species Surveys

SWE can provide detailed botanical survey, for example Hedgerow Regulations assessment, data collection for comparing site to the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) and bespoke surveys to assess individual or groups of species in relation to management.  I can provide survey of Schedule 9 invasive plants such as Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam and giant hogweed.

Botanical Survey

My intertidal expertise extends from ecological field surveys to Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) classification and  the mapping of marine biotopes. I am experienced in surveying a variety of coastal habitats, including: salt marsh; rocky shore; sandy beaches; and dune systems​ in relation to jetty, quay, rail and coastal defence works.

Coastal Survey

Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) identifies, quantifies and evaluates potential effects of development-related or other proposed actions on habitats, species and ecosystems. It can be carried out as a stand-alone assessment, or can form the Ecology and Nature Conservation Chapter of a wider Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).  I have experience of working on a wide range of assessments for minerals and quarries; residential; and renewable energy projects.

EcIA and EIA

SWE can help you obtain ecology credits by providing a 'Suitably Qualified Ecologist' (SQE), as specified by BREEAM, to undertake a BREEAM or Code for Sustainable Homes Ecology Assessment. A survey of the proposed development site by a SQE is required before site clearance although some credits are still available if this condition is not met.


I'm experienced in writing bespoke habitat and species management plans for a wide range of developments. Management plans are required as part of the BREEAM assessment and for the future management of mitigation sites.

with design teams to integrate the ecological ‘design layer’ into development plans, including masterplans, detailed layouts and green infrastructure.

Ecology Design and Management

I have extensive experience of the Public Inquiry system, and have successfully given evidence at a number of Public Inquiries over the last ten years. I am able to present a well-argued, authoritative and robust case at Public Inquiry.

Expert Witness

SWE is experienced in designing, managing and overseeing Ecological Clerk of Works (EcOW) including large-scale reptile and dormouse displacement and translocation. 

Ecological Clerk of Works
Preliminary Desk Based Study (PDBS)

The Preliminary Desk Based Study is exclusive to SWE. For a minimal fee we will undertake a review of available published online resources and combined with our professional knowledge of the region will ascertain the likelihood of protected species and habitats issues, ensuring you can plan ahead at the earliest opportunity.

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